Press Release

A Government commissioner against anti-Islamic racism is necessary

09. May 2022
Pressemitteilung/press release

Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), released a statement in the wake of the DeZIM study, “Rassistische Realitäten” (Racist Realities), which was presented in Berlin on Thursday. According to the study, there is an awareness of racism in the population, but it does not lead to an awareness of the problem, especially when it comes to racism against Muslims. “Germany needs a government commissioner for anti-Islamic racism. According to the latest findings, massive educational work is needed on this point.” said Altaş, and continued his statement as follows:

“There is still a lot to do in the fight against anti-Islamic racism. Although the DeZIM study shows an increased awareness among the population, this is not linked to an awareness of the problem itself. Especially in the case of anti-Islamic racism, awareness is low compared to the general awareness. According to the study, disadvantages and discrimination against Muslims are comparatively rarely classified as racist.

In the study, it stands out in particular that disadvantageous behaviour towards Muslims in relation to the monitoring of newly founded organisations is classified least as racist in the population. As possible reasons, the study authors state that Muslims are more likely to be associated with stereotypes regarding radicalisation and terrorism. This is a direct consequence of the political and public discourse about Muslims in a security context that has been going on for many years.

This study finding shows how dangerous these security debates have been on the backs of the Muslim population. They have manifested images and perceptions in the minds of the population that must now be painstakingly dismantled as quickly as possible.

The federal government has a duty to follow up its promise to fight racism with action. This means: a significant increase in funding, permanent and sustainable support for anti-racism projects and the appointment of a commissioner for anti-Islamic racism.

Almost six million Muslims live in Germany. They are by far the largest religious minority and at the same time one of the groups most massively affected by racism. In the fight against racism, however, they are not taken into account by politics; they are left behind. This not only leads to irritation among those affected, but also seems alienating.”

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