Press Release

Berlin mosque communities take in refugees from Ukraine

08. March 2022 Ukraine
Berliner Moscheegemeinde versorgt Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine

Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), made a statement regarding the refugees who seek refuge in Europe. “Mosque communities offer shelter to refugees from Ukraine and make an invaluable contribution in this emergency situation. At the same time, we must not lose sight of the plight of those seeking protection at the southern EU borders.” said Bekir Altaş, and continued his words as follows:

“Berlin mosque communities help refugees from Ukraine. They support those seeking protection as guides, with donations and with accommodation. The Spandau mosque community, for example, has converted its common rooms and offers accommodation to refugees. So far, two families originally from Afghanistan have been settled there.

Among the refugees from Ukraine are many Muslims – Ukrainians, people who come from other continents and work or study there. They need support and a helping hand. The fact that Muslim refugees can find shelter in a mosque is a huge relief for them. I thank all the mosque communities that offer this help for their active support. They make an invaluable contribution in these difficult times and are a good role model.

However, the support does not end with the initial reception. It is impossible to estimate how long the war in Ukraine will continue. Consequently, it is not foreseeable how long people will stay in Germany. It is quite possible that the refugees will become permanent citizens of Germany at some point. This is why the federal government is called upon to think in the long term and to provide all people arriving in Germany with equal access to the labour market as well as to language and integration courses.

Help must not depend on passport or residence status. With all our concern for the people now fleeing Ukraine, we must therefore not lose sight of those who are waiting for help and admission at the southern EU borders. The same applies to people who are in distress during the dangerous crossing of the Mediterranean. It does not matter whether people set out by trains or by boats. The European Union is called upon to maintain the willingness to help that is now being shown and to extend it to all those seeking protection.”

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