Friday Khutba

Khutba: Being Moderate in Consumption

14. July 2022
Kur'an Sayfası Tesbih Ahşap

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Today, consuming has become an indicator of social status and identity, and this lifestyle has been exposed on social media. The notion “I earn, so I consume as I wish.” is driving us to waste, extravagance and irresponsibility every day. According to research, one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted, which corresponds to 1.3 billion tons of food annually. The amount of food wasted only in America and Europe is enough to feed 3 times the world’s population.

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Consuming unconsciously means using all kinds of blessings and opportunities from eating and drinking to dressing, from communication tools to time and health, and losing balance. Especially today, when the time spent on the Internet increases to an average of 6 hours a day, it is also a waste of time to spend time with useless content instead of being busy with what we are responsible for. All material and spiritual opportunities are trusts bestowed by Allah (swt) on people. Allah (swt) has given us these blessings in order to gain his approval and has ordered us to use them in places that will benefit people. Allah (swt) mentions in the Quran, “They are those who spend neither wastefully nor stingily, but moderately in between.”[1] We should not forget that our consumption style determines our believer identity. As a matter of fact, Imam Ghazali’s has said about stinginess and extravagance: “To spend as much as he deems necessary for the places required by religion is generosity, falling below these standards is stingy, spending above these is waste.”[2]
Waste is to move away from our consciousness of existence and the purpose of our creation. Waste is also disrespect to the name of Allah (swt), Al-Razzaq, who is the owner of all blessings.

Dear Jama’ah!

Today, exaggerated lives, luxury and wasteful expenditures are showed off. Thus, humanity, which dedicates its life to working more and consuming more, actually consumes its spiritual values ​​and purpose of living. Abdullah ibn Amr (r.a.), one of the Companions, whom we take as an example in every field, said: “One day, while Sa’d (b. Abu Wakkas) was performing ablution, the Messenger of Allah (saw) stopped by him. “What waste is that?” he said. When Sa’d asked, “Is there wastage in ablution, too?” The Prophet (saw) replied, “Yes, even if you make wudu from a flowing river, it would be a waste.”[3] In order not to become the wasteful ummah of the Prophet, who did not waste even water, we must not overdo it.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Spending and wasting in the places we go for holidays and visits reveals our sincerity towards our religion. In today’s world, where hunger, poverty and famine are increasing, we have to consume and spend in a balanced way, thinking about the future. Let’s appreciate the blessings that Allah (swt) has given us. Let us not waste any blessing beyond measure. Let’s not waste our time. Let’s not forget that we will be asked to account for the time and health blessings that have been given to us. Let’s be spoiled for blessings and not be dependent on luxury, but let’s embrace the prophetic consumption morality. Let’s not forget that when moderate consumption is violated, the blessings of life are lost, the peace of the society is lost, and people harm themselves and future generations. Blessings are limited, desires are unlimited.

May Allah (swt) grant us to consume his blessings to this extent and to lead a life in accordance with his will. Ameen!

[1] Surah Furqan 25:67

[2] İhya-ı Ulumuddin, 3/259-260

[3] İbn Mâce, Tahâret, 48


Khutba: Being Moderate in Consumption

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