Friday Khutba
Our Compassion
24. August 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
One day, one of the children of Zaynab, the first daughter of the Prophet (saw) and our mother Khadija, fell seriously ill. Thereupon, Zaynab sent word to her father saying that his grandson was very sick and should come immediately. At that time, our Prophet (saw), who was occupied with another matter, sent greetings to her and said, “Everything that Allah takes and gives belongs to him. Everything is ordained in the sight of Allah. Be patient and expect your reward from Allah.” But when the baby’s condition deteriorated, Zaynab, who wanted to see her father with her, sent another message asking him to come and the Prophet (saw) did not hurt his daughter’s feeling and went to her house with his companions. One of his companions, Sa’d ibn Ubada, couldn’t hide his shock and asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is this tear?” In response, the compassionate Prophet (saw) replied, “This tear is a mercy that Allah places in the hearts of those servants He wills. Allah shows mercy to those of His servants who are merciful.”[1]
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The word Mercy, which reflects Allah’s name Ar-Rahman, means to be most compassionate and merciful. All beings in the universe are surrounded by Allah’s mercy. One of the most distinctive features of our Prophet (saw) is undoubtedly his mercy and compassion. His ability to gather people around him and build a civilization of compassion stems from this feeling. Therefore, he advised believers to embellish their hearts with these feelings at every opportunity. The compassion of the Prophet was not limited to people only. He was also full of compassion in his behaviour towards animals and expressed this at every opportunity. One day, when our Prophet (saw) entered the garden of one of the Muslims from Medina, one of the camels there shed tears when he saw the Prophet. The Prophet (saw) calmed the camel by approaching it and stroking its head.
Upon this, the Prophet (saw) said to the owner of the camel, “Aren’t you afraid of Allah concerning this camel He has entrusted to you? The camel has complained to me. It complained that you starve it and overwork it.”[2] By saying this, he emphasised the need to approach all creatures with compassion, highlighting the importance of treating all beings with kindness and mercy. In another Hadith, he stated: “The Merciful One shows mercy to those who are merciful. Show mercy to those on earth, and He who is in the heavens will show mercy to you.”[3]
Dear Jama’ah!
Unfortunately, cruelty, one of the greatest sicknesses of our times, is increasing day by day. In an era where violence, oppression, anger and hatred occupy our lives, it is necessary for us to embrace the messages of Rasulullah (saw) once again. We must not forget that we are members of the civilization of Compassion and Mercy. Towards our spouse, children, parents and all living beings, we need to be kind and compassionate. Indeed, Allah (swt) has stated, “Among His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves, so that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Surely there are signs in this for those who reflect.”[4] Thus, He reminds us that feelings like love and compassion are manifestations of Allah’s grace.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Compassion is not merely a feeling shown to our own relatives or people of the same faith. Islam commands mercy towards all of humanity. Without distinction of colour, race or nationality, we should respect everyone’s rights and look upon all creatures with a compassionate eye. In times when people spread hatred and animosity for various reasons, let us always be smiling and merciful. Let’s not forget that compassion and mercy bring us closer to Allah (swt). May Allah (swt) fill our hearts with kindness and make us among His merciful believing servants. Ameen!
[1] Buhâri, Merdâ, 9
[2] Ebû Davûd, Cihad, 44
[3] Ebû Dâvûd, Edeb, 58
[4] Surah Ar-Rum 30:21
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