Friday Khutba
The Diseases of Today: Gambling and Chance Games
06. December 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Throughout human history, gambling has appeared in various forms and under different names. In our era, with the influence of technology, it has become more widespread and accessible. Our religion, Islam, has issued numerous warnings to protect people from all forms of evil and has clearly prohibited gambling and games of chance as one of these evils. The wisdom behind this prohibition lies in the significant harm gambling causes to both the material and spiritual realms of individuals. In the Qur’an, which serves as our guide, it is stated: “O you who have believed, indeed intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.”[1] The verse continues as Allah (swt) says: “Indeed, Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?”[2] Through this statement, Allah calls upon us believers to implement this command and affirm this prohibition.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The harms of gambling are not limited to the individual playing. Gambling disrupts a person’s psychological balance and, over time, impacts their work life. It threatens peace within the family and cuts the individual’s ties with their surroundings. Ultimately, the person loses their reputation in society and becomes isolated. This dangerous habit is one of the greatest causes of wasted time. While we should utilise every moment of our lives for beneficial and righteous deeds, wasting time on useless and harmful activities like gambling is a significant loss.
A person who gambles usually begins with the desire to win, and over time, this desire turns into an addiction. The urge to win more when successful and the need to recover losses when unsuccessful drag the person into a vortex of gambling. This vortex not only consumes the individual’s material assets but also erodes their spiritual values.
Gambling prevents individuals from fulfilling their acts of worship, distances them from the remembrance of Allah and eventually leads to spiritual collapse.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
According to statistics, 75% of adults have gambled at least once in their lifetime, and approximately 38% of the population spends money on gambling regularly every month. In countries like Germany alone, over half a million people are addicted to gambling. This issue has worsened with the increase in the number of casinos and digital platforms. Today, gambling is no longer confined to physical locations; through smartphones and the internet, it has entered our homes. The spread of online gambling poses a particularly significant threat to our youth. Our Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever says to his companion, ‘Come, let us gamble,’ must immediately give in charity (as a means of repentance for leading towards sin).”[3]
This warning from our Prophet teaches us that even joking about gambling should be avoided. We must not use the provision Allah has given us through lawful means in places or activities that He has prohibited. Wasting the sustenance of our families on sinful games is a grave wrongdoing. Just as earning through lawful means is important, so is spending it on lawful and beneficial causes. We must use every effort to protect ourselves, our loved ones and especially our children, from the harms of gambling.
Dear Jama’ah!
One of the most effective ways to protect ourselves from the harms of gambling is to remain steadfast in our acts of worship. Particularly, prayer (salah) helps us refrain from all kinds of evil and the desires of our nafs (ego). A person who prays acts with the awareness of being in the presence of Allah and strives to stay away from what is forbidden.
Additionally, making dua is important. We should ask Allah (swt) to protect us from all harmful habits and to fill our hearts with faith.
May Allah (swt) protect us from all the harms of gambling. May He grant peace to our families, faith to our hearts and blessings to our work. Ameen.
[1] Surah Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:90
[2] Surah Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:91
[3] Buhârî, Tefsîr, (Necm) 2