Friday Khutba

Ibadah is Life

21. October 2021

Dear Brothers!

Allah (SWT) outlines the purpose of mankind’s presence on Earth in Surah Adh-Dhariyat with the verse “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me”.[1] The meaning of the word “Ibadah” is to show utmost respect towards the Creator and to fulfill the religious commands. Our practical deeds are what comes to mind when discussing Ibadah in our everyday language.  The narrow meaning of Ibadah being deeds such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakat, have a form in all religions. Certainly, these acts of Ibadah have an important place in the religion of Islam, and there is a broader understanding of Ibadah, which is servitude. With servitude being an understanding that indwells all areas of life, it is seen as the distinguishing characteristic of Islam.

Dear Jamaʿah!

A Muslim should see the gift of life by the Creator as an opportunity to carry out the duty of servitude. By commanding “Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds”,[2] our Lord has mercifully blessed us with the the consciousness of servitude. No matter what ones life has come to be, one should not act outside of the boundaries of this concsiousness and should not chase after temporary distractions. The life we live should be seen as an Amanah that has been given to us, and we should act in awareness that Allah (SWT) will question us about this Amanah. When faced with an issue, the correct approach is not to complain and rebel, but to understand it is a test that must be handled with sabr and fortitude, and seek the reward only from Allah (SWT).
A Muslim should not be one who arrogantly looks down on others, but must act in a humble, merciful and kind way, and in the mindset, that we can’t fully comprehend the reason for our creation and that we owe all creations to a certain extent.

Dear Believers!

As mentioned earlier, Ibadah in a wider meaning means servitude as it encompasses the whole religion. Servitude includes all deeds that can be rewarded, signify closeness to Allah (SWT) and are committed only to carry out the commands of Allah (SWT) and to be please Him. All words and acts that Allah (SWT) is pleased with can be called Ibadah. Religion outlines ones life, and determines ones lifestyle. The principles put forward indwells all areas of humans lives. Ibadah is life, life is Ibadah.

Dear Brothers!

As Muslims, we are obliged to represent Islam perfectly everywhere at all times. At work, school, with business, whilst shopping; in all areas of our community, there is a responsibility to be like the Muslims worthy of the Jannah our Lord has promised. We are obliged to fulfill the Ibadah that is representing the beauty and goodness of Islam in our daily lives. As Muslims, we must be aware that the positive civil relationships we have with those of other beliefs, will contribute greatly to the salvation of Islam on this Earth. The efforts we display, are a requirement of our Ibadah and servitude.

I would like to end the Khutba with this Hadeeth: “Avoid what I have forbidden you from; and do as much as you can, of what I have ordered you.”[3]

May Allah (SWT) allow for us to be aware of our duty of servitude and to duly perform our Ibadah.

[1] Zâriyât suresi, 51:56

[2] En’âm suresi, 6:162

[3] Buhârî, İ’tisâm, 2

Khutba-Ibadah is Life

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