Press Release

Islamic Community calls for vaccination

18. January 2022
Pressemitteilung/press release

Kemal Ergün, Chairman of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), made a statement on the occasion of the debates on the necessity of vaccination. “Considering the current conditions, the obligation to be vaccinated is not against Islamic principles. The person who gets vaccinated takes responsibility not only for himself but also for the whole society.” said Ergün, and continued his words as follows:

“The protection of human life is one of the greatest responsibilities that Allah Almighty has placed on us humans. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious danger to human life. As a matter of fact, millions of people around the world have been infected with this virus and lost their lives.

In this environment, we have to take measures to protect human life and prevent harm. Because our Prophet says, “Get treated.”* Considering all the dangers and what needs to be protected, the vaccination obligation being discussed today is not against Islamic principles unless physical coercion is applied.

Based on this background, as an Islamic community, we invite all our brothers and sisters who do not have a health issue to be vaccinated which is the reasonable choice. This is necessary in terms of both our personal and social responsibility.

We also call on vaccine manufacturers to prioritize the welfare of humanity over economic interests. Prosperous industrial countries also have a responsibility to distribute vaccines fairly around the world. Making vaccine patents available for use is also a requirement of this responsibility.”

* Ebû Dâvûd, Sünen, 10/371, H. No: 3371

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