Press Release
Limitations of religious freedom raise concern
24. February 2021
“In many European countries, religious freedoms – especially those of Muslim minorities – become more and more restricted. We watch these set-backs with great concern”, the IGMG’s secretary general Bekir Altaş said. In January, the Danish government drafted a legislation to prohibit religious sermons in languages other than Danish if no translation had been submitted for prior approval.
Altaş criticized the increased tendencies to restrict religious freedoms in general and those of Muslims in particular. With the proposed law, the state “further invades an area, where it has no business in. Such a law would be a serious interference with religious freedoms and a violation of the constitution”, Altaş said of the measure which he called “exaggerated”.
“The draft is justified with rare cases of hate preachers. In such cases, targeted measures against the person of concern are appropriate. However, here we see how unfounded suspicion is aroused against religious minorities. In France, the government recently passed the “Law to invigorate Republican Principles” which has seriously limited religious freedoms. In Austria, similar drafts were presented under the heading of a ‘fight against terrorism’. For years, Anti-Muslim parties, which question the religious freedoms of Muslims, have been gaining momentum in many European countries. They promote prejudice and create fears, thus making Muslim life in Europe more difficult.”
The concern among Muslim was growing, said Altaş. “We watch these set-backs with sorrow and appeal to the mainstream parties not to get used by right-wing populists and anti-Muslim extremists. Good policy is sensible, farsighted, and considered. A strong democracy is known by the way minorities are treated.”