Friday Khutba
Khutba: Night of Raghaib
05. January 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Among all creatures, humans hold the most honourable position as they sustain the life granted by Allah (swt) within the dimensions of time and space. Just as Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem hold greater value and virtue than other places, temporally, the months we refer to as Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan are considered more blessed and virtuous than other times. These months contain blessed days and nights. Beginning with the proclaimer of the first of the three months, Rajab, marked by the Night of Raghaib, these nights continue with the nights of Isra and Mi’raj, then the Night of Laylat al-Barat, and end with the Night of Qadr, which falls on the 27th night of Ramadan. This year, the Night of Raghaib, which marks the beginning of these significant nights, falls on Thursday, January 11. And InshAllah, the following day, we will enter the blessed three months.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
When the month of Rajab entered, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to make dua by saying: “O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach Ramadan.”[1] Let us sincerely repeat the supplication of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and strive to make the most of these blessed months. In a time surrounded by paths leading to sin from every direction, let us repent for the sins we knowingly or unknowingly commit. Allah (swt) describes the believers in the Qur’an by saying: ‘Those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins—and who forgives sins except Allah?—and who do not knowingly persist in what they have done.”[2]
Dear Jama’ah!
Let us make use of these months as an opportunity for goodness. Let us embrace fasting, one of the most effective acts in disciplining the self, in accordance with the tradition of the Prophet. The noble companions reported, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to observe fasting in the month of Rajab in certain years to such an extent that we would say, ‘He will not break his fast on any day of this month.’ And in some years, he would eat to the extent that we would say, ‘He will not fast at all during this month.”[3] Let us spiritually draw closer to Allah (swt) through fasting and disciplining our souls. Let’s be mindful not to hurt hearts. Instead, let’s build connections and mend hearts.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Especially during this period, let’s intend to perform one of the most significant acts of worship in Islam, charity, to the best of our abilities with our wealth. In the Quran, it’s stated: ‘The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing, all-Knowing.”[4]
Let’s aim to reach the peak of worship to Allah (swt) by helping the poor, the needy and the oppressed through charity. Let’s participate in programs held in mosques and communities during these blessed days and nights. By giving due importance to congregational prayers, let’s maintain our unity with our brothers and sisters.
May Allah (swt) make us among those who truly observe and revive the three months beginning with the Night of Raghaib by fulfilling our worship. Ameen.
[1] Ahmed b. Hanbel, Müsned, 1/259
[2] Surah Âl-i İmrân, 3:135
[3] Müslim, Sıyâm, 179
[4] Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:261