Friday Khutba

Khutba: Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam: Founder of the House of Remembrance

24. November 2022
Kur'an Sayfası Tesbih Ahşap

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

It was a difficult time in Makkah during the early stages of Islam. At first, the Prophet (saw) would make his invitation to Islam in secret, and he would only convey Islam to those around him whom he was sure of. As Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam listened to the blessed invitation of the Prophet (saw), he got excited and approved every word of it. He accepted this invitation of the Prophet at the very first meeting and became one of the young people who believed in him. Upon the increasing pressures of the Makkan polytheists, the Prophet (saw) needed a place where he could meet with Meccans. Hearing this Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam said, “O Messenger of Allah! My home is now your home. You can use it whenever and however you want.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam was only 18 years old when he believed and put his house at the service of the Islamic cause. While teaching religious knowledge to the Companions, our beloved Prophet (saw) was inviting people to Islam in this blessed house. Many Companions, even Omar (ra), were honoured with Islam through this. Young Arqam’s brave proposal established many activities and a circle of faith was established in his house. The house of Arqam was the first place of education and training in Islam. Our Prophet (saw) gave Islamic education to many of his companions here. Daru’l-Arqam was a school where faith and hearts, and morals and souls were built. Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam, who gave his house for the cause of Islam in a difficult time, was the reason for many Companions accepting Islam. The verses of Allah (swt) recited in it were the blessed invitation of our Prophet (saw) that made his house valuable.

Dear Jama’ah!

We should remember Allah (swt) at every stage of our lives, be amogst His servants whom He is pleased with, and engage in the things that please Him. As a matter of fact, the Quran mentions, “[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.”[1]  We should be with the servants who love Allah and whom Allah loves. Like Dawud (as), we should make dua by saying “O Allah, I ask you for your love and the love of those who love you and the deeds that will bring me your love. O Allah, make your love more beloved to me than myself and my family and even cold water.”[2]

Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Especially in this period when people have become more individualised and lonelier, we should come together with our brothers and sisters that we could not meet with again. We should be hopeful about Islam as the generation of the Companions did, and we should continue this tradition with the same love and enthusiasm. The traditional House of Remembrance initiative of ICMG [Islamic Community Milli Gorus], are carried out with the same excitement of the generation of the Companions.

It is important that we be present in these circles where our souls are calmed by Allah’s verses, our minds become enlightened with the blessed life of our Prophet (saw), and our hearts are filled with advice. We must compete with each other in opening our houses to remember Allah (swt).

May Allah (swt) grant us to meet at these House of Remembrance gatherings with our neighbours and friends who are waiting for an invitation from us and who want to benefit from these gatherings. Ameen!

[1] Surah Al-Mulk, 67:2

[2] Tirmizî, Deavât, 72

Khutba: Arqam ibn Abi al-Arqam: Founder of the House of Remembrance

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