The Wild Signs of Racism

17. February 2022
Racism, one of the greatest disease in human history. Racism means prejudice, discrimination or aggression towards people of a different racial or ethnic origin. When the differences created by Allah (swt) are not accepted, it essentially means rebelling against Allah (swt), the Lord of the Worlds.

Neighbourhood Rights

03. February 2022
The requirements of Islam on neighbourhood relations are one of the most important principles that ensure social peace and harmony. Regardless of their religion, language and colour, these principles, which enable different societies to live together, have become a way of life for Muslims.

The Night of Rajab and the Revival of the 3 months

27. January 2022
Allah the Most High, who originated everything from nothing, has made different all that he has created. Humans amongst the universe of being, are considered the most honorable of creation while the Ka’ba is considered the most valuable and virtuous of places. Similarly, what is recognized as the three months: Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan, which incorporates the holiest of nights, is accepted as the most blessed and virtuous of months. The first holy night that signifies the commencement of the three blessed months is Rajab, while Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Power) indicates its departure.

Calling an End to Bloodshed

20. January 2022
When we compare humanity to previous eras, we see that we have incredibly advanced both scientifically and technologically. With the development of transport means, we have now reduced what was once months of travel time to only a few hours. Just in recent history, mankind has stepped foot on the moon and has dispatched different shuttles to planets capturing the technological levels. In the field of medicine, from organ transplants to the decoding of genetic codes we have accomplished great achievements.

Action requires consistency

13. January 2022
In the personal development and spiritual nourishing of an individual, ibadah has a specific place. All good and beneficial actions that we do for the sake of Allah ﷻ are considered as ibadah and all contribute to the development of who we are. Because ibadah has an impact on one’s relationship with the Creator, it naturally also affects one’s relationship with society and humanity at large. This will continue until man finally departs from this world.

Repentance: The Polisher of Hearts

06. January 2022
Repentance (tawba) is to turn, and to return. It is the process of transitioning from disobedience, to submission to Allah (swt). Accordingly, this verse informs us that every individual has a responsibility to repent from their sins. Without repentance, ultimate success cannot be perceived.
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