Friday Khutba

Faith In Destiny

11. November 2021
Believing in destiny is a part of the conditions of faith. Destiny means that Allah (swt) knows the nature, time and place, attributes and characteristics of everything that has happened and will happen. Allah (swt) has ordained a perfect measure for everything, including man and his life.

Press Release

10 years of NSU – Promise not kept

03. November 2021
Bekir Altaş, Secretary General of the Islamic Community Millî Görüş (IGMG), made a statement on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the emergence of the NSU organization. “The NSU establishment represents an unprecedented milestone in our collective memory. It is inexplicable that the building has still not been properly illuminated,” said Altaş.

Press Release

60th anniversary of the Labor Agreement – Isn’t it time for politics to take Muslims into account?

30. October 2021
Kemal Ergün, Chairman of the Islamic Society Millî Görüş (IGMG), made a statement on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Labor Agreement signed between Germany and Turkey on October 30, 1961. “The Germany-Turkey Labor Agreement is a turning point for Muslim life in Germany. After 60 years, it is essential that politics take the needs of Muslims into account,” said Ergün.

Friday Khutba

Family Privacy

28. October 2021
Family is the most crucial element within the society and civilization as a whole. If one protects their family privacy it will ensure them peace and security. It is very important to take the responsibility to know and protect; family privacy values, loyalty and the love bonds within the family.

Friday Khutba

Ibadah is Life

21. October 2021
Allah (SWT) outlines the purpose of mankind’s presence on Earth in Surah Adh-Dhariyat with the verse “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me”.[1] The meaning of the word “Ibadah” is to show utmost respect towards the Creator and to fulfill the religious commands. Our practical deeds are what comes to mind when discussing Ibadah in our everyday language.

Friday Khutba

Our Prophet’s Devotion to His Ummah

14. October 2021
As a requirement of Allah (swt)’s infinite mercy and wisdom, He has not left His servants alone. He showed us how we can get closer to him and improve our relations with people through the prophets and books he has sent down.

Friday Khutba

Following the Sunnah and Avoiding Bid’ah

07. October 2021
Allah (SWT) sent down our Holy Book Qur’an for the salvation and happiness of mankind and showed how to live it through our prophet (SAW).  As our Prophet ﷺ said “Definitely for those of you amongst you who hope for Allah’s mercy and Day of Judgment there is a good example in Allah’s Messenger.”
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